Maison Lineti is a distillery rooted in the heart of the Saint-Émilion region. More than just a place where whisky is made, it is a workshop for bespoke creations. In harmony with the vision of its founders, it is a place of inspiration, research, savoir-faire and sharing.

The atmosphere here is peaceful, with subtle aromas emanating from each room. The ovoid curves of our vats allow the aromas to reveal themselves and blossom. Finally, the copper colours of our Charentais stills warm our hearts as they release their nectar. Here, each key stage in the genesis of our Vintage Single Malts is pampered.

Les bâtiments de la distillerie Maison Lineti


With our modern and automated brewhouse, we can precisely monitor the different brewing and filtration steps, whilst keeping energy consumption under control.

Fabrication de la bière au sein des cuves de fermentation.

A refined organic whisky

Maison Lineti does not craft its whiskies from several different cereals, as a single type of cereal is required to create a single malt. Malted barley is carefully selected. Harvested in France, it meets the organic farming standards required.

Our quest for excellence is a daily response to the challenges of sustainable development. This philosophy begins at the brewing stage and continues throughout production.


The production of our whisky begins at the brewing stage. In a passionate dance, water and malt become one. A sweet wort emerges, ready to take centre stage.

Our fermentation vats will then be the scene of the most beautiful of transformations. Within the seven concrete eggs, alcoholic fermentation takes place. This biochemical process transforms the sugar in the liquid into alcohol. This fermented must – this ‘wash’ – has a strong aromatic potential right from the start, thanks to the ovoid shape of our vats.


With the greatest respect for Cognac traditions, Maison Lineti has acquired two stills from the Charente region. The copper used to make them has been hammered by hand to encourage interactions with the vapour.

A distillery with two stills from the Charente region

Each copper still is made up of different parts, the best known of which are the still head and the swan neck.

The first is responsible for the reflux and sorting of the vapours. As a result, the whisky benefits from a balance between finesse and structure. The second ends in a coil that condenses the alcohol vapours.

Our whiskies are distilled in two successive stages. The first distillation phase allows us to collect our low wines, which will be redistilled during the second distillation phase. This is known as a double distillation.

Whisky making

There are two successive distillation phases in whisky production. The first distillation phase allows us to collect our low wines, which will be redistilled during the second distillation phase. This is known as “distillation à repasse” or double distillation.

Le col de cygne des alambics de la Maison Lineti.


In the maturation cellar, the barrels are positioned on a steel structure, as if levitating, on seven levels. This innovative system allows for easy, independent handling during the blending process.

Le vieillissement des whiskies en barrique.

The right balance in the vintage single malt

The roles of the Cellar Master and Whisky Master are to blend the different types of casks. The goal is to find the right balance in the resulting blend.

Once harmony has been found, Maison Lineti’s identity can shine through. A distinctive character combining florality, minerality, tension and smoothness.


Barrel maturation in the cellar is subject to climatic variations. As a result, Maison Lineti’s single malt blossoms over the seasons before being bottled.

Crafting our whiskies

In this video, we take you on a journey through the creation of our whiskies. We’ve used a delicate, poetic approach to illustrate the various stages of the production process.

Using attractive shapes and bright colours, you can feel the evolution of the liquid. The grain dances. The organic matter wavers. Slowly, the whisky comes to life.

From brewing to ageing, through fermentation and distillation, the team is careful to leave nothing to chance. Each stage contributes to the delicacy and refinement of our distillates. Step by step, discover the transformation of malted barley into single malt.